Ronna McDaniel, Chair, RNC: Choice is Clear this November

Ronna McDaniel, RNC Chairwoman

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Washington, DC – With November 3 elections looming large on the horizon, IAT reached out to Ronna McDaniel, Chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC), to get a closer look at the preparations for the upcoming National Convention, policy details and effect of Pandemic on the economy.

McDaniel, the second woman ever elected, helped deliver Michigan for Donald Trump and the GOP for the first time in decades. She was elected as the State Chairman from Michigan in February of 2015. Ronna served as a Trump delegate and chaired the Michigan Delegation to the 2016 Republican National Convention.

IAT: What is the core agenda of the GOP in the upcoming elections?

A: The Republican Party is fighting for a freer and stronger America where everyone has the opportunity to achieve the American Dream. The Republican National Committee’s mission is to support and promote the President and all Republicans who share this goal.

On infrastructure of re-electing President Trump and Republicans up and down the ballot, the Trump Victory ground game is unparalleled.

Cycle to date, Trump Victory has hired more than 1,500 field staffers.

We have already registered double the voters we did in 2016.

We have already activated over 1.5 million volunteers.

Since 2013, we have invested more than $350 million on data, technology, and our field program.

IAT: Economic growth was one of the top factors for the 2020 elections for President Trump but with the impact of COVID-19, how do you view the economy as a winning card?

A: Under President Trump’s leadership, Asian American small businesses are able to stay afloat during the coronavirus pandemic and bounce back more quickly.

President Trump is leading the Great American Comeback: The past two months, 7.5 million jobs have been added. President Trump passed the largest middle-class tax cut in a generation with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

The Trump Administration’s CARES Act provides relief to small businesses and allows them to keep workers on the job. It also provides relief for workers who lost their job during the coronavirus crisis.

President Trump and Congressional Republicans secured the Paycheck Protection Program to inject $350 billion into America’s small businesses to aggressively confront the coronavirus. A second phase of PPP added an additional $310 billion into the program. The program provides 8 weeks of cash-flow assistance to small businesses who maintain their payroll during the coronavirus crisis. It allows small businesses to take out a forgivable loan: If the employer maintains its payroll and this money is used for paying rent or salaries, then the loan will be forgiven. The loan is also retroactive. Workers who have already been laid off can be brought back onto payrolls.

IAT: In the 2020 Democratic party platform draft released recently, Democratic Party has adopted an aggressive tone towards China. What is RNC’s stand toward the Chinese threat to the US?

A: While the Democrat Party focuses on words, President Trump is taking action. President Trump has stood up to China’s spying by shutting down their Houston consulate, signed a Phase One Trade deal, and took the unprecedented and early step of shutting down travel from China. A move which has been credited with saving potentially millions of American lives.

IAT: There are elements within the US who openly side with China and seek its support on various issues. What would be RNC’s policies towards such persons and organizations?

A: The RNC is not a policy making body.

IAT: What would be the RNC policy towards US allies in South and South East Asia? Some of these are facing adverse actions from China.

A: The RNC is not a policy making body.

IAT: The 2020 Democratic party platform draft says that in Immigration, Democrats will “start by righting the wrongs of the Trump administration.” What are your comments on this?

A: Legal immigrants have undeniably made great contributions to our country, but any national immigration policy must put the interests of our existing citizens first. To start, our border must be absolutely secured and illegal immigration must be stopped. Then, and only then, can we begin reforming our system in a way that lets new, legal, immigrants experience the American Dream without causing economic hardships to American citizens.

President Trump continues to secure the border and put Americans first. To date, 245 miles of the wall have been completed, 332 miles under construction, and 161 miles under pre-construction.

IAT: My personal experience is that there is an immigration racket being run by some, including Attorneys, who induce immigrants from countries like India to come to the US illegally and then pursue their case for Asylum against a fat fee. Will RNC take any action against such immigration racketeers?

A: The RNC is not a policy making body.

IAT: What are the latest updates on RNC convention? How do you see it in the midst of a pandemic?

A: The business of nominating President Trump will still take place in Charlotte, NC as has always been the plan. Due to the state’s limits on gatherings because of COVID-19, it will look different from a traditional convention, but the Trump campaign and the RNC are working together to plan great programming that week. As said earlier, it will still be a must-see event!

Summing it all up Ronna McDaniel, RNC Chairwoman “Because of President Trump’s leadership and pro-growth policies, we’ve seen our economy soar to historic heights and we’ve also seen it withstand historically unprecedented times. Because of historic trade deals that are in the works, and countless promises kept, President Trump has ushered in a great American comeback and Americans everywhere, especially in the Asian American community, are benefiting from it. The choice for voters this November is clear: let Democrats reverse all the progress that President Trump has made for every community, or continue the great American comeback that he and Republicans have started.”

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