April 26, 2024
Thank you, Mr. President. I’d also like to thank the Assistant Secretary-General and the Chief of the Office of the Under-Secretary-General for the UNOCT for their briefings today.
Mr. President. Let me begin by once again condemning the acts of sabotage against the Nord Stream pipelines and underscoring the need for accountability.
But let us all be clear. This meeting, like the last one, and the one before that, are not about accountability. Russia has repeatedly called meetings on this topic to spread disinformation, cast aspersions, and discredit ongoing national investigations.
It is hard to keep up with Russia’s latest accusations, but one thing remains the same: a victimization narrative.
We welcome the reporting to this Council from Sweden and Denmark on the conclusions of their respective national investigations, and note Germany’s ongoing investigation. As we have said many times before, these competent national investigations should be allowed to complete their work and to do so without external interference.
We maintain confidence in the independence and rigor of Germany’s investigation, and strongly object to attempts to get ahead of or prejudice those efforts.
Russia’s claims of noble intentions, the pursuit of justice, and need to protect critical infrastructure are as hollow as they are disingenuous. In the same breath, Russia feigns concern over the sabotage of critical infrastructure it values, while wreaking havoc against Ukraine’s cities and targeting Ukraine’s critical infrastructure.
And while Russia feigns interest in fact-finding missions and independent investigations, it routinely denies OHCHR investigators access to Ukrainian territory temporarily occupied by Russia.
Russia claims to want the truth, accountability, and facts, and then vetoes the mandate renewal of an independent UN investigative mechanism like the DPRK 1718 Committee Panel of Experts. The hypocrisy is as galling as it is predictable.
With that I thank you, Mr. President.