New York City – With Deep regrets – I say this “THE TYRANT IN THE ABYSS” is alive and on the Move. We are a community of many countries living together, peacefully in the land that has provided us Home and has accepted us as part of the fabric to build the Culture of Tolerance and resilience.
“We are Americans “call yourself Pakistani – American / Indian – American / Bangladeshi-American / Sri-lankan – American / Persian –American / Arab –American / African- American or European – American. We are all American. This is our home and the values and contributions we bring – portray the Psychic and the state of mind which we live in.
We are in “Awe” and shocked to hear the news on the attack of a Methodist Church in Pakistan. Pakistan is a land of Pure, that was created to protect not only the Majority, but also the Minority of the country in Pakistan. This was part of the Plan and the message that was portrayed by the Founding Father Hazarat Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.
Question we ask, “Is today Pakistan – Reflection of the Statement made by the Founder” – The answer varies from who you ask and the age group.
Pakistan has been on hot bed ever since the war in Afghanistan started, as there was a massive movement of the refuges from Afghanistan into Pakistan and even now the speculated settlement areas are Agist in nature.
The Christians and many other communities that are thriving and growing in nation’s today comprise about 5-6 % of the total population in Pakistan – have been a victim of Tyrants in Pakistan of policy – greed and malice.
Most Recently an article (Pakistani Christian Nurses need Support and Encouragement: Cynthia Sohail) was published by a student concerned and consumed with a process in Pakistan of the Christian Community that has for many years provided Health care services in Pakistan. Now, of course, the services are taken over by the Majority in the ruling government. With that driving force is becoming a humbling request, and right to ask for recourse for the Pakistani Christians offering Healthcare services. This is a question mark on the religious and academic leadership in Pakistan – to address the concern and find a recourse to uplift the already suppressed community.
We ask our President Donald Trump/Vice President Mike Pence/Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and members of all parties, to address the subject in the light of reformation being a topic of the day today. As we are addressing the overhaul of US Borders control and Immigration, the administration should make sure the Immigration law is reviewed, to make sure people who are real victims and abused get Political Asylum in the United States. They should be the ones allowed and assisted at the local Embassy for processing their entry permits to the US. The System is being abused and many unworthy people are claiming the privilege, which they do not deserve. We ask our Political and civic Leadership to form Forums and start addressing the cries of many in the Abyss.
We condemn the attack on the Church in Pakistan and ask the International Civic / Religious and Political leadership of the World, to address the incident with Pakistan and, ask the Government- The office of the President / Prime Minster / The Interior and Defense minister along with the intelligence community in Pakistan, to address and provide adequate safety and security, to be made available for the Pakistani Christians at the Peak of the Christmas season, and as we approach the New Year 2018.
We Pray for the Peace to prevail in Pakistan, and for those who were martyred, may their Soul rest in Peace. God will Judge and his court is wide open. And we ask to extend hands and reach out to the victims’ family as they recover from these Tyrant attacks and bring peace back in their life to be normal.
Concerned Americans in the US will be holding press conferences and civic forums in the coming days on such issues.

E. Nisar Khan
E. Nisar Khan is currently the Managing Partner of Tigacom Group, which specializes in Healthcare, IT , Data Centers / Nanotechnology / Stem Cells research /Telecom / Green Technologies, and communications products with successful projects in the US, Asia, Europe, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. With over 20 years of experience in business development and as an entrepreneur in Telecom/Renewable Green Technologies and Communications sector, Khan is also a Managing Partner with UP Capital & Strategies and a Managing consultant to Opportunity Network which is a business matchmaking platform that enables CEOs to share and connect to business opportunities worldwide. Khan is a Managing Partner with Aeon Life Care, Alpyh Refinery, Powerline Communications, Navitus Solutions, and Condor-Pearl Airlines. Nisar brings extensive experience with numerous JV Partnership projects in the Middle East, Africa and Asia with companies specializing in communications products and global application. Khan is a minority stakeholder of Condor Pearl Airlines. Khan holds both B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Nebraska in Electrical Engineering specializing in Fiber optics and mass communication. Having social concerns, Khan is an strong advocate for Human Rights around the Globe and currently sits on several Non Profits Boards.