The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) is organizing an Anniversary Conference to mark 15 years since the adoption of The Recommendations on Policing in Multi-Ethnic Societies (Policing Recommendations).
The Anniversary Conference will serve as a platform to discuss key principles of policing in diverse societies and to exchange experiences and good practices in applying the Policing Recommendations 15 years after their initial publication in the current contexts across the OSCE region.
The event will provide an opportunity to discuss best practices and ideas on how to mainstream gender in policing from the perspective of the HCNM’s early warning and conflict prevention mandate.
Dedicated sessions and panels will provide an opportunity to explore the representation of national minorities in the police services, how to improve trust and communication between the police and diverse communities, and ways to support the role of the police in promoting inter-ethnic relations as part of their duties. Topics will also include the issues of racial profiling, cybersecurity and surveillance technology that targets specific groups in society.
Participants will also discuss issues such as polarization and divisive and identity politics and how they shape attitudes towards the police and police responses. They will also consider the importance of countering hate speech, xenophobic rhetoric and hate crimes, particularly against minorities, and approaches to Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalization that Lead to Terrorism (P/C VERLT) that also take into account the need not to securitize or marginalize minorities.
The Policing Recommendations and HCNM guidelines assist OSCE participating States in their efforts to develop policies that support the diversity of their societies in areas such as language, education, participation in public life, the media and policing.