The America Times Welcomes Former President of SE Antonov Company, Dr. Alexander V. Los as an Honorary Advisor & Columnist

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The America Times was re-born on September 11, 2021, with the goal to better inform our
leaders and policymakers of nuances, beyond conventional wisdom, to successfully address
present day “Gordion Knots,” sometimes as Alexander the Great did by cutting it and other times by tediously unraveling it. During March 2022, diplomacy is at a fever pitch in Washington D.C., Moscow, Kyiv, Vienna, Geneva, Brussels, and every major capital of the world, as Mr. Putin’s Russian troops invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022 and unleashed their hell on people, infrastructure, cities and sovereignty, while Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky rose to unexpected courage and bravery – declining our offer to evacuate him, by saying: “I don’t need a ride. I need ammunition.” Everyday Ukranians have answered the call to protect their land from Russia’s yet-another attack to subjugate them at best, or exterminate them at worst. The great Russian military has run into the iron will of Ukrainians, a mistake that we expect will deny Russia peaceful sleep for at least two generations and unhappily revibrate in history.

We are honored and privileged to have Hon. Dr. Alexander V. Los – an aviation design global super-star, former president of Ukraine-owned Antonov Company, who can be the “wings” beneath our and NATO’s firepower – join the Honorary Board of Advisors & Columnists of The America Times in recognition of his excellence and record of contributions. Dr. Los’s life experiences and aviation design superstar, helps him to better decipher what is needed to deter a war, and if one exists, to overcome it without global annihilation. His knowledge and continuing work, as Chairman of ACE Air Combat Evolution Ltd, are the underbelly of war itself which is unleashed when Leaders are not appeasing anymore.  He is welcome to appear from time to time on the pages of The America Times. Reading his current contribution, we are certain, will serve to form a more perfect nation, and world, and thereby enhance both regional and global peace and security; maybe, even in dealing properly with Mr. Putin. A translated interview of Dr. Los by Defense Express was published by The America Times on October 29, 2021:

Benjamin Franklin famously said in 1787: “It’s a republic madam, if you can keep it.”
Dr. Alexander V. Los’ contributions in The America Times will help us keep our Republic.
Please enjoy his accomplishments, along with a few pictures – including, with NATO SG Jens Stoltenberg.

Ranju Batra & Ravi Batra

Dr. Alexander V. Los

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, PhD, MPA

Age: 44

Professional skills:

• aerospace engineering – 25 years, including 18 years officially at SE ANTONOV

• foreign relations – 22 years

2021.02 –


Chairman, Director, Co-owner, Author of patents, ACE Air Combat Evolution Ltd., UK

• ACE One UCAV air defense systems

2020.06 –


President, SE Antonov Company
2018.04.17 –


Interim President, SE Antonov Company

• Supervision and participation in preparation of the General Terms Agreement with BOEING / AVIALL

• Supervision of participation and presenting Antonov SE at EURASIA Airshow-2018, Turkey

• Official unveiling of the AN-188 international project

2017.01 – 2020.05 Vice President, Head of Design Organization, SE Antonov Company

• Responsibility and personal involvement in the design finalization, assembly, maiden flight, flight testing and flight display of the AN-132D

• Personal engagement in all the major international activity and negotiations with companies from the USA, Canada, UK, Israel, Germany, France, Turkey, Japan, South Korea

• Initiation of the AN-188/AN-77 project. Presentation to the US Senators and the Boeing company

• Supervision of substitution of Russian materials and components, certification of the AN-178

• Initiation of the international project of a heavy high-altitude combat UAV

• Hosting NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg during visit to Ukraine in 2017

• Hosting President of the ICAO Council Dr. Aliu during a visit to Ukraine in 2017

• Participation in negotiations and preparation of contracts with international financial institutions (CCC, ASHRA, etc.)

• Supervision of the interaction between Antonov and the ICAO, FAA and EASA

• Conducting negotiations with the USA, UK, Canadian, EU and Israeli suppliers

2011.04 – 2016.12 Deputy Chief Designer (Flight Control Systems, Landing Gear and Hydraulics), SE Antonov Company

• Implementation of international safety design procedures in the design organization

• Scientific activity in the professional area

• Development of domestic systems and components meeting the international standards to substitute Russian products

• Extension of cooperation with the USA, UK, Canadian, Israeli and EU suppliers

• Cooperation with the EASA and FAA

2008.06 – 2011.04 Deputy Head of Flight Control Systems Department, SE Antonov
2008.06 – 2005.05 Head of Sector of Primary Flight Control Systems Department, SE Antonov
2002.04 – 2005.05 Designer (ATA 27 Primary Flight Control Systems), SE Antonov
  Scientific Degree
2021 Doctor of Engineering Sciences
2015 PhD, Engineering Science


2019-2021 Kyiv-Mohyla Business School, Kyiv

• Master of Public Administration. Strategic Leadership in National Security and Defense.

1995-2001 National Aviation University, Kyiv
  • Graduated Summa Cum Laude

1.  Mechanical Engineering

2.  Management of Foreign Economic Relations

1985-1995 Special School №57, Kyiv
  Ukrainian, English, Russian – fluently
  Military Service
  • Senior lieutenant (reserve), Aviation Engineer
  State Awards
2009.08 • Medal “For Work and Achievements” (Order by President Yushchenko)


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