The America Times Welcomes Former Minister of Defense H. E. Milica Pejanoviæ-Djurišiæ as Honorary Advisor & Columnist

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The America Times was re-born on September 11, 2021, with the goal to better inform our leaders and policymakers of nuances, beyond conventional wisdom, to successfully address present day “Gordion Knots,” sometimes as Alexander the Great did by cutting it and other times by tediously unraveling it.

We are honored and privileged to have H. E. Milica Pejanović-Djurišić – a legislative and diplomatic star of Montenegro – as the first member of the Honorary Board of Advisors & Columnists of The America Times in recognition of her excellence and merit-based gender parity. Ambassador Milica Pejanović-Djurišić’s life experiences and diplomatic service, helps her to better decipher the unshared motives of geopolitical leaders and unspoken goals of  geopolitical events, which she will share from time to time on our pages. This will serve to form a more perfect nation, and world, and thereby enhance both regional and global peace and security.

Benjamin Franklin famously said in 1787: “It’s a republic madam, if you can keep it.” Professor Milica Pejanović-Djurišić’s contributions will help us keep our Republic. Please enjoy her accomplishments, along with a few pictures at the United Nations, with then-V.P. Joe Biden, at NATO, and with then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta.

Thanksgiving 2021

Ranju Batra & Ravi Batra,



Prof. dr Milica Pejanović-Đurišić

Milica Pejanović-Đurišić has completed her term as  Ambassador/Permanent Representative of Montenegro to UN in July 2021.  Before, she served as Minister of Defence in the Government of Montenegro from March 2012 to November 2016, having a leading role in the process of Montenegro’s accession to NATO.  Prof. Pejanović-Đurišić was the first Ambassador of independent Montenegro to France, Monaco and UNESCO in the period  2007-2010. From 2004 to 2006,  she was Ambassador of the State Union Serbia&Montenegro to Belgium and Luxembourg.  In the period 1992-2002, Prof. Pejanović-Đurišić  was Member of the Parliament and in one term Chairman  of its Committee for Foreign affairs. She was elected Member of the State Presidency (1990-1992) at the first democratic elections in Montenegro.

With the PhD in Telecommunication Engineering, Milica Pejanović-Đurišić continuously pursues her academic carrier as a full professor in Telecommunications and Wireless Communications at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro, founder and director of its Research Centre for ICT. She has been cooperating with numerous  universities, research centers, international and think tank organizations worldwide as a visiting researcher and lecturer. In her research work she is focused on various aspects of ​​wireless communications, where she has achieved notable results that were published in several hundred scientific papers in international journals and international conferences, in scientific and professional papers in domestic journals and conferences, as well as in a number of books and other publications.

Her current engagements  also include  participation in the Mediterranean Women Mediators network and steering committees of a number of ICT related conferences and initiatives. She is a member of the Governance Board of the Atlantic Council of Montenegro and founder of its Digital Forensic Lab.

She has a considerable  industry experience being President of the Board of Telekom Montenegro” from 1999 to 2002, as well as President of the Board of the first Montenegriin Internet provider (2001-2002). Prof. Pejanović-Đurišić  has been working as a consultant in the field of ICTs and  as an expert  for European Commission and ITU, participating in a number of global professional associations (IEEE, IEICE) and projects in the field of info-communication technologies.

Prof. Pejanović-Đurišić’s role in fostering digital transformation of Montenegro and the region of South-East Europe has been widely recognized, through a number of initiatives focusing on development and deployment of info-communication infrastructures and applications.  Experience in security and defence sectors, gained in a specific environment and time, and combined with her expertise in ICTs, resulted in  active engagement of Prof. Pejanović-Đurišić in cybersecurity domain. She is working on initiatives leading towards more safe and secure ICT eco-system, so that the conditions for the mitigation of ICT-related security challenges would be created and benefits of global digital transformation on the international security and stability achieved.

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