May 9, 2023
I shall now make a statement in my capacity as the representative of Switzerland:
I would first like to thank Assistant Secretary-General Martha Pobee and Special Envoy Hanna Tetteh for their presentations, not only for their valuable presentations, but also for all their work, and the work of the mission. I also welcome the presence of the representatives of Sudan and South Sudan at this meeting.
We commend both governments for their constructive engagement with a view to resolving the issue of the final status of Abyei and the question of border demarcation.
The conflict that broke out in Sudan on 15 April threatens to reverse these gains and put an end to this positive momentum. We are concerned about the impact that the fighting could have on the political process, the humanitarian situation and the implementation of UNISFA’s mandate.
We reiterate our call on both parties in Sudan to immediately silence the weapons, respect international humanitarian law, commit to a sustainable ceasefire, ensure humanitarian access and resume dialogue.
In view of the clear risks of instability, we call on Sudan and South Sudan to respect the 2011 agreement and the relevant Security Council resolutions.
I would like to make three brief remarks:
Firstly, more needs to be done to protect the local population from armed incidents and intercommunal clashes. We are concerned about the continuing tensions between the Twic Dinka and the Ngok Dinka. We call on them to work together to de-escalate the situation and find a solution through dialogue. We congratulate the Misseriya and Ngok Dinka on the success of the March conference and encourage them to build on this positive momentum, especially in view of the upcoming transhumance period. In the absence of the Abyei Police Service, the community protection committees and the joint protection committee are essential to strengthen the rule of law. In addition, Abyei must remain a demilitarised zone free of any armed forces or other armed elements.
Second, given the potential impact of the conflict in Sudan, it is important to build trust and strengthen inclusive community engagement. We welcome the revitalisation of the consultative forums on women, peace and security, as well as the activities of the joint women’s peace committee in the Amiet region. Similarly, the increased involvement of youth networks in communicating early warnings illustrates the key potential of young people as agents of peace. We fully support the efforts of the UN Country Teams in Sudan and South Sudan to operationalise the joint Abyei programme.
Thirdly, UNISFA will continue to play a vital role in peace and security in Abyei in the months to come. We welcome its strong engagement with the communities in Abyei and hope that the troop reconfiguration will provide the Mission with additional operational capacity. We call on Sudan and South Sudan to continue to respect the status of forces agreement.
In conclusion, we express our full support for UNISFA and the Special Envoy, as well as for the African Union and IGAD. We affirm our commitment to work with all stakeholders to achieve peace and prosperity in the Abyei area.
I now resume my functions as President of the Council.