Statement by H.E. Ambassador SHINO Mitsuko, Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, at the United Nations Security Council Briefing, Agenda item “Threats to International Peace and Security”

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October 13, 2023

Thank you, Mr. President.

I thank Deputy to the High Representative Mr. Adedeji Ebo and other briefer for their briefings.

Today we are again hearing the same claims by Russia. I would like to reiterate the real nature of this war of aggression.

It is clear that Russia is the country violating the UN Charter in this war of aggression. Ukraine is the country exercising its right to self-defense as stipulated in the UN Charter. One is a rule breaker and the other is a rule defender. And our support for Ukraine is also in defense of the Charter.

These facts have been the same throughout, since February 2022. Even now, after so many events and tragedies since then, they have not changed. That is why we are calling on Russia to withdraw immediately and unconditionally and end this violation of the UN Charter.

No support, including arms transfers, should be given to Russia. It would be particulary unacceptable if Russia violates exisiting Security Council resolutions in receiving such support.

Russia has self-justified this aggression against Ukraine by framing it as a conflict pitting itself against the so-called “Kyiv regime” and its Western backers.

However, Russia’s attempts to mislead the international community have failed, as the overwhelming majority of UN Member States have indicated their will to uphold the principles set forth by the UN Charter such as sovereignty and territorial integrity at the General Assembly. The international community also understands the root causes of the negative effects this conflict has had on the world. These stem entirely from Russia’s violation of the Charter. There is no need to complicate things with Russia’s misrepresentation of the issues.

Mr. President,

As the only country to have suffered atomic bombings during war, Japan is strongly committed to international efforts towards realizing a world without nuclear weapons. Bringing the CTBT into force is exactly one such important effort and it must be achieved without further delay. In this connection, we are deeply concerned by Russia’s recent announcements about the possibility of revoking its ratification of the CTBT.

We also remain concerned about the possibility of military cooperation between Russia and North Korea. At the recent Russia-North Korea summit, it was announced that they agreed on strategic and tactical cooperation. We are closely monitoring whether this would lead to a violation of Security Council resolutions – potentially another rule breaking by a responsible Council member. No country should engage in cooperation that would undermine the non-proliferation regime which we all value.

Mr. President,

It is clear from these facts that it is quite natural to argue that any call for peace should respect and abide by the UN Charter and respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. Moreover, any call for a ceasefire should be directed at Russia, the rule breaker.

Russia should stop making meaningless claims in this Chamber and restore the UN Charter immediately. It should do so now.

I thank you.

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