September 5, 2024
Thank you, Mr. President.
I thank Mr. Ebo, Deputy to the High Representative, for his briefing.
I would like to begin by reiterating Japan’s principles on the Syria chemical weapons file:
any use of chemical weapons, anywhere at any time, by anyone, under any circumstances is unacceptable and those responsible for their use must be held accountable.
It is truly regrettable that we have not witnessed tangible progress on this file since our last meeting.
The recent monthly report by the OPCW Director-General again highlighted concerns regarding Syria’s conduct.
According to the report, Syria has not provided adequate explanations for the traces of undeclared chemical warfare agents.
This lack of transparency suggests the possibility of undeclared full-scale development and production of chemical weapons at two formally declared sites related to chemical weapons.
The detailed report by the Declaration Assessment Team of the OPCW, released on the 4th of July this year, pointed out additional outstanding issues:
First, undeclared activities involving nitrogen mustards;
Second, undeclared activities involving soman;
Third, the presence of an indicator of nerve agent, EA 1699, at a chemical weapons production facility.
We are gravely concerned about continuing discrepancies, gaps and inconsistencies in Syria’s initial and subsequent declarations, as once again confirmed by the latest Director-General’s report.
We continue to urge Syria to engage in good faith with the OPCW and provide all requested information to solve the outstanding issues under the Chemical Weapons Convention and Security Council resolution 2118.
It would undermine the objective and purpose of the OPCW if Syria continues to possess chemical weapons and fails to destroy undeclared stockpiles and production facilities.
Mr. President,
Japan commends the professional, impartial and independent work conducted by the OPCW. We strongly oppose any attempts to undermine their authority and invaluable work.
Japan believes that preventing the recurrence of the use of chemical weapons in Syria must continue to be the Security Council’s priority.
I thank you, Mr. President.