Statement by Ambassador Nicolas de Rivière, Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations, at the UN Security Council briefing on Ukraine 

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January 16, 2025

Mr. President,

I would like to thank Mrs Di Carlo for her presentation.

For almost three years, Ukraine has been facing large-scale aggression from Russia. In this conflict, there is indeed an aggressor, Russia, which is violating the United Nations Charter, flouting whole swathes of international law and adopting a posture of escalation. And there is an aggressed country, Ukraine, a sovereign state which, under the Charter, has the right to defend its independence and territorial integrity.

France calls on Russia to cease its war of aggression and withdraw its troops from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

It condemns the stepping up of indiscriminate strikes against Ukraine’s cities, civilians and energy infrastructure, in violation of international humanitarian law. On January 8, Russia bombed the town of Zaporijjia, killing at least 13 people. The toll of this conflict, which continues to mount, is catastrophic.

France denounces the war crimes committed in Ukraine. Russia does not shy away from forcible transfers and deportations of children. The International Criminal Court considers that these constitute war crimes, and that there is sufficient evidence to establish the involvement of Russian authorities at the highest level.

Mr. President,

Russia continues to undermine the international architecture of non-proliferation by sourcing drones and ballistic missiles from Iran, and munitions and ballistic missiles from North Korea. The increase in North Korean military support, with the direct commitment of troops, reflects Russia’s growing difficulties. This is in violation of Security Council resolutions, which Russia itself had supported. It represents a direct threat to European and international security. Russia must respect its obligations as a permanent member of the Security Council.

France urges all states to refrain from supplying Russia with the military equipment, dual-use goods, and components that fuel this war.

Mr. President,

Russia continues to ignore the order of the International Court of Justice, which called on it to immediately suspend its military operations on March 16, 2022. It ignores the resolutions of the General Assembly, which have condemned this aggression seven times, by a very large majority, and called for respect for Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

The perpetrators of war crimes must not go unpunished. We reiterate our support for the International Criminal Court and the Ukrainian courts, to ensure accountability. The work of the International Independent Investigation Commission remains indispensable.

France remains determined to pursue and strengthen its support for Ukraine, in order to give it the means to exercise its right to self-defense and defeat Russian aggression. We will continue to work for the return of a just and lasting peace, in accordance with the United Nations Charter.

Thank you.

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