Statement by Ambassador Ferit Hoxha, Permanent Representative of Albania to the UN at the meeting of the Security Council on Libya (UNSMIL)

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25 July 2022

Thank you, Mr. President,

I thank ASG Pobee for the detailed briefing.

Albania continues to be deeply concerned by the volatile situation in Libya, and the escalation of violence. The violent clashes between armed groups in Tripoli last week, causing civilian causalities, are deeply troubling as they translate a situation of uninterrupted rivalry when what the country needs is the opposite.

As a result, the fragile stability in the country remains under serious threat. This should be a rallying cry for the responsible parties in Libya to de-escalate—denounce violence in all its forms, exercise maximum restraint and choose dialogue as the only viable method to resolve disputes. We welcome in this regard the commitment by Dabaiba and Bashaga to deescalate the situation.

Because time runs against Libya and its people. Too much precious time has been lost. Libya needs to invest in legitimacy and the only way to move forward is to hold elections as a matter of absolute priority to break the deadlock.

We regret that the parties have made no further progress on the remaining issues for the constitutional track. This gridlock runs against the aspiration and the right of the Libyan people who demand a democratic country based on the rule of law.

The recent protest is a testimony to the resolve of Libyans, their thirst for basic freedoms and democracy and the right of people to exercise their rights should be respected.

The armed clashes in Tripoli show the importance of the full implementation of arms embargo in Libya and we commend IRINI’s efforts in this regard, as recently demonstrated.

Respecting basic rights must be at the heart of all efforts to restore order in the country. We deplore any and all violations of human rights and call for full accountability. Civilians, especially women and children continue to be disproportionally affected by violence. We urge the relevant parties to investigate these attacks and hold the perpetrators to account.

We believe that, for it to be viable, the reconciliation process in the country must be inclusive and based on rights and on the principles of transitional justice.

Mr. President,

A Libyan-led and Libyan-own process, supported by the UN is the right path to move ahead. The Libyan people want to choose their political leaders through credible, fair, and inclusive elections as soon as possible. We commend the stewardship of Special Advisor Williams in this respect.

Security is key to establishing order in the country, and we welcome positive developments on the security track. The meeting of the commanders of the Libyan Army in Tripoli on 18-19 July is a positive step towards the unification of the military. The full implementation of the October 2020 ceasefire agreement remains a priority and the work of the Joint Military Commission 5+5 is highly commendable. In addition, the full and immediate withdrawal of all foreign forces, fighters and mercenaries is a must for the stability in Libya.

We welcome the resumption of oil production in the country. We believe that the national wealth should be managed responsibly, in transparency, free of political interests and serve the common good of the Libyan people. The National Oil Corporation should preserve its independence, function in an accountable manner and contribute to Libya’s stability and Libyan people’s prosperity.

Mr. President,

Let me end, by reiterating Albania’s full support for a substantive renewal of UNSMIL mandate. It would be a major miss for this Council if, for the fifth time in a row, we are not able find a way to give a 12 months mandate to the Mission in supporting the Libyan people in their aspirations towards the holding of elections and establishing democracy.

We commend the relentless efforts of the Secretary General in appointing a new SRSG on Libya, but there is no justification for the inability of the Council to provide UNSMIL with the necessary resources to help Libya overcome the daunting challenges it faces—where the UN has a critical role to play.

When the Council is unable to do its part, any call for the Libyan actors to do theirs may only sound shallow. The contrary is needed.

I thank you


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