Washington, DC – New year started and as usual a lot of resolutions were made by everyone. Most of us expect to make efforts to try to form good healthy habits in this new year like resolving to eat healthier and working out by either taking a gym membership or starting something small like a few minutes of walking everyday. The aim is always to decide on a plan to chart a better work – life balance. Some even look for and join gyms where they have kids care centers – the bottom line is to get started.
Congratulations! You have taken the first and most important step.
Many of you are even off the wagon and have gained some holiday weight and are trying to lose it and get back to planned healthy habits. Welcome back, you just need to keep motivated and think of the weight you had – before you started gaining – and aim to first lose those extra pounds.
Thinking of summer 2019 and maybe upcoming vacations? Don’t worry. First create a pragmatic goal so that you have motivation. Here are some very everyday basic things to incorporate into designing a viable plan:
Weighing Scale
Keep a weighing scale and weigh yourself everyday at the same time of the day. According to my experience, morning works the best as its like a routine after brushing my teeth. I know time to act when I am up by more than two pounds. I immediately watch my food intake that day and watch myself till the day my scale shows those two extra pounds gone. But don’t worry when on holidays as it is difficult when you are on vacation. Personally I really don’t worry about weight while away from regular regime and on vacation. I, still however try to make some healthy choices.
Water Bottle
Second most important factor is consumption of water. Water – water and lots of water! We all know the value and importance of water but we forget to drink the daily minimum quantity. Personally I spend so many hours engrossed in working and often forget to drink water as well but since I watched others around me carrying a water bottle with them all the time, I have followed suit. If you are like me and don’t enjoy plain water, you can add fresh lemon or orange slices, or mint leaves to it to make it flavorful. Now I keep sipping on it during my 8-10 hours at work. Find your own innovative ways that work for you but keep your body hydrated all the time.
Party Habits: Food and Alcohol
Holiday parties are not the only parties we go to, so make this a habit for every party and as an insider secret formula to always stay skinny. Always go for cheese, meats, and veggies first and once you fill yourself with these foods you will have very little appetite left for other foods which are desserts, carbs and all sugars. Although cocktails are my favorites, I always first go for vodka or gin or anything that does not involve premixed drinks as they are loaded with sugars. So watch out for those sugar saturated drinks and guard against overindulgence. And Never, Just Never Drink and Drive!
Exercise Regime
If you are ready to exercise then start small. Remember nothing happens overnight so concentrate on baby steps.
The first time I stepped into a Crossfit session, I was wondering how can I ever do this. I am a Type 1 diabetic and all the reasons flashed across my thinking machine, trying to dissuade me for not doing it but my heart kept pushing me to try and I finally did. We will talk about Diabetes and weight maintenance in one of my upcoming articles.
You don’t need a new day, a new month or have to wait another year – to take care of yourself! Today is your day. Start small but make lifestyle changes, eliminate nothing so you are never deprived of anything, and learn to watch and balance.
Happy 2019!

Jyoti Mahajan
Jyoti Mahajan, the Fashion Editor: Fashion, the ever-changing and most talked-about industry is overflowing with varied traits and umpteen choices. Our Fashion Editor, Jyoti Mahajan, not only distills fashion trends for you, but also presents highly innovative ideas for successful image-making in an effortless way. Mahajan is a highly successful career woman and holder of a crowning glory of titles including Mrs India International 2010, Mrs. Gladrags Top Finalist 2010, and Ms America Finalist 2011. Mahajan guides you into what’s hot and what’s not - before you head off to go shopping - and provides you with ideas about what you can mix and match to create that perfect look that suits you the best.