April 10, 2023
Thank you!
I thank Ms. Nakamitsu for her presentation.
As this is the first formal meeting for this month, like other colleagues, I would like to thank the Mozambique Presidency for having presided over our work in a very thoughtful and professional way during March.
I very much hope that we will be able to proceed in a normal way during this month, having in mind that we find ourselves into an unusual situation and unchartered waters.
The contradiction could not be more unsettling. A country that has brutally violated the Charter of the United Nations and the very basic rules that govern relations among states, is presiding over the body responsible for peace and security.
That country, a Permanent Member of the Security Council, has done everything to undermine peace and security and has endangered the world. As this is unprecedented, Member States and the world-wide public opinion have the right to feel worried.
We are here to discharge our responsibility as a member of the Council, in respect of the rules of procedure that govern this body, and in no way to credit the current presidency with moral credentials.
Albania attaches great importance to disarmament, non-proliferation, and arms control instruments. We stress the need not only to preserve, but also to further strengthen these instruments.
The Arms Trade Treaty recognizes the legitimate interests of States in transferring arms. A faithful implementation of the ATT is a humanitarian imperative in oreder to prevent serious violations of international humanitarian law.
Unfortunately, we are witnessing a worrying trend, when a number of states are moving away from their obligations. One of the most worrying examples is the policy conducted by Iran, which, by its actions and illegal trasnsfer of weapons to its proxies in the region, as well as to other countries, seeks to undermine peace and security. We have also, more than once, highlighted here the latest policies of Russia that, in violation of UN Security Council resolutions, is using weapons purchased from the DPRK and Iran to feed its illegal war and destroy Ukraine.
Illicit small arms fuel armed violence and organized crime, global terrorism, and conflict. They pose a serious threat to peace, reconciliation, safety, security, stability and sustainable development.
We support the universalization of the Arms Trade Treaty as a crucial instrument capable of mitigating risks. We call on all States, in particular major arms exporters, importers, and transit States, to ratify or accede to the treaty without further delay.
We also encourage the effective implementation of the Program of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons, and the International Tracing Instrument. They constitute the main framework of measures to prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit trade in small arms, in all its aspects.
We reiterate the importance of arms embargoes, and their implementation by all Member States. We encourage States to strengthen monitoring capacities, the enforcement of arms embargoes and, finally, to support the work of United Nations expert groups.
We stress the importance of cooperation among regional and sub-regional organizations in the fight against arms trafficking and diversion.
In closing, we believe that transparency measures, such as arms export controls, contribute to the strengthening of mutual trust between States. Mutual trust is essential in the defense and promotion of the principles of arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation. It serves to maintain the international order based on rules established in the Charter of the United Nations.
I thank you !