Remarks by Malta’s H. E. Vanessa Frazier -11th Emergency Special Session General Assembly of the United Nations “The Unprovoked Armed Aggression by the Russian Federation Against Ukraine”

Malta’s H. E. Vanessa Frazier

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Mr President

Malta fully aligns itself with the statement delivered by the European Union and would like to make some additional remarks in its national capacity.

Malta reiterates its unwavering support for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders.

We express our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims who have lost their lives because of this unprovoked war by the Russian Federation, which we strongly condemn.

This decision is illegal and unacceptable.

It is a violation of international law.

It is a violation of the UN Charter.

It is a violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

It is a violation of Russia’s own international commitments.


Mr President

Malta fully agrees with the Secretary General’s view that this military offensive is a repudiation of the principles of the UN Charter.

The foundations of the UN rest on the sovereignty and independence of States, principles that we have all agreed to and that we all depend upon.

Threats to the territorial integrity of States and International Law are not confined to one region but have ramifications for the security of all countries.

Last week, Malta joined a group of over 80 countries to co-sponsor a resolution tabled by the United States and Albania condemning the Russian Federation for its aggression and calling on it to end this offensive.

Regrettably, the Security Council was not able to fulfil its duty because a Permanent Member vetoed the resolution. Even more disturbing is the fact that the Permanent Member casting the veto, is also the aggressor.

Mr President

This war has already had a devastating impact on the lives of civilians.

We stress that international humanitarian law must be respected at all times and that the protection of civilians is a fundamental principle.

We also call for the facilitation of rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian assistance to those in need.

Malta calls for the immediate withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine and emphasises the need to avoid a dangerous escalation in Europe.

It’s never too late for diplomacy.

We underline once again that serious breaches of the UN Charter are a matter of global concern and as such we hope the General Assembly will send a unanimous signal to the world by defending the very principles on which these United Nations were built and underlining the sovereignty and independence of all Member States.

Malta will never accept a situation where might is right.

I thank you.





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