October 19, 2022
Thank you, Mr. President.
I also thank SRSG Rugwabiza for her insights and welcome the presence of the representatives of the Central African Republic and Rwanda.
Mr. President,
In our effort to revitalize the peace process and address the volatile security situation, I would like to share the following five points:
First, Albania is encouraged by the Government’s efforts to accelerate the implementation of the Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation, through the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR joint road map), and with defined timeframes. We welcome the follow-up meetings for measuring progress, as agreed during the strategic review meeting held on 4 June in Bangui, as well as the meetings with representatives of armed groups to chart a course for their dissolution. However, we believe the peace process should be more inclusive and open to other social groups, mainly women, whose current participation is very limited.
Second, we are very concerned for the security situation, showing an increase in breaches of the Political Agreement, with consequent deterioration of the human rights situation in the country.
Albania strongly condemns the continued human rights violations and abuses, including conflicting-related sexual violence perpetrated by armed groups, national forces and Wagner mercenaries during their operations, as well the recruitment and use as proxies of demobilized fighters, which have led to reprisals against the population and targeting of communities. These practices must stop. They run the risk to reverse the progress made in the framework of the national Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration and Repatriation (DDRR) program.
Third, Albania also echoes the call of the Secretary General for the ongoing support of development and financial partners, in order to sustain reintegration initiatives. This provides the fundamental basis for long-term reconciliation and peace efforts, along with the continued efforts to advance justice for victims of serious crimes, through the Truth, Justice, Reparation and Reconciliation Commission.
Forth, the use of explosives by armed groups is equally deplorable, posing life threatening risks to civilians, humanitarian partners and peacekeepers, who provide lifesaving assistance. Albania expresses its deepest condolences for the families of the three fallen peacekeepers, as well as to Bangladesh, who paid the ultimate price on October 3rd. We expect from the Government to honor its commitment, by thoroughly investigating the tragic event and subsequently prosecute those involved in it.
This unacceptable attack comes in a moment where progress is being made in tackling the targeted disinformation campaigns against MINUSCA, and in reducing violations of the status-of-forces agreement. This Agreement should be fully respected, and the unrestrained movement of the Mission’s supply chain and personnel must be guarantee.
Last, Albania applauds the completion of the electoral mapping exercise. We expect the swift adoption of legislation critical for local elections. Nevertheless, we stress our disconcert about the limitations of democratic space and freedom of expression within the constitutional reform debate. We reiterate the need for every effort to be focused on finding solutions to the real problems affecting people’s daily lives, including the rise of commodity prices and the persistent fuel shortages.
Thank you.