New York – COVD19-survivor Ravi Batra has sued Peter Daszak, President of EcoHealth Alliance Inc., and his immunologist wife Janet Cottingham in NYS Supreme Court, New York County, Index #157709/2021, for funding the lab-creation of SARS-CoV2, weaponizing SARS-CoV2 by transplanting cold-blooded Heterothermic Bats’ Spike Glycoprotein(s) to make it highly transmissible and virulent, and covering up the Wuhan lab-leak in Summer and Fall 2019 to delay WHO’s timely alarm in 2019 of a global public health emergency, which would have prevented most people from being infected by SARS-CoV2.
The 80-plus page Verified Complaint explains the science including, why “Bats are special,” and that bat-bites or snake-bites are naturally not transmissible. Batra “cracked the case” on April 14, 2020 and wrote to President Trump, asking for China to be held liable (per inter alia, International Health Regulations of 2005), and if we were deliberately “Pearl Harbored” with a biowarfare agent, to seek war reparations. Batra proposed amending the UN Charter to create a new UN Pandemic Council (UNPC), modeled on the UN Security Council (UNSC). President Trump launched America’s preliminary investigation of China’s PLA-controlled and operated Wuhan Lab for COVID19 Origins the very next day.
On April 13, 2021, Batra wrote to President Biden seeking enforcement and updates. Batra also wrote to Indian PM Modi on May 6, 2021, to embrace Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” paradigm, in place of Tort and Crime & Punishment principles, so as to get President Xi Jinping to fully cooperate with Truth and Honor and help disarm this out-of-control biowarfare agent.
On May 26, 2021 President Biden ordered the Intelligence Community to report back by August 24, 2021 on COVID-19 Origins. President Biden ordered a review on the origins of COVID-19, which was expected to be complete today, per White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, but an unclassified version for the public will not be available immediately.
Courtesy Copies of this complaint have been sent to DNI Avril Haines, key Congress committee chairs, rankers and members, the distinguished Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, and NYS Attorney General Tish James.
The Delta variant, currently the predominant strain of the virus in the United States, is highly contagious, more than 2x as contagious as previous variants. Unvaccinated people are at high risk of contracting and transmitting the virus. Vaccines continue to reduce a person’s risk of contracting the virus that causes COVID-19, including the Delta variant.
This week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals starting September 20th.
Chinese admit to SARS mistakes, April 21, 2003
Learning from SARS: Preparing for the Next Disease Outbreak 2004, National Academy of Sciences
CDC printout: International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005 revised
MAD SCIENTISTS France `warned Wuhan lab could be turned into a `biological arsenal’ by Chinese military four years before Covid `leak
April 8, 2020, Ravi Batra Shares First Hand Account of Recovery from COVID-19 in New York with, email between Batra and Tejinder Singh, the late Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of India America Today, with reference to Latit Jha, Press Trust of India
April 8, 2020 Letter by PRCs Permanent Representative Zhang Jun to the President of the General Assembly Fighting the coronarius disease (COVID – 19) pandemic: China in action / MFA summary Fighting COVID-19 Pandemic: China in Action
Ravi Batra, Esq.
Ravi Batra, starting September 11, 2021, is a publisher of The America Times Company Ltd., and since January 2022, is the Editor-in-Chief. He is a member of the National Press Club, in Washington D.C., and a member of its "Freedom of the Press" and "International Correspondents" Teams/Committees.
A member of the bar since 1981, he is the head of a boutique law firm in Manhattan, The Law Firm of Ravi Batra, P.C., that handles complex constitutional, sovereignty, torture, civil and criminal cases, representing governments, corporates and individuals, with landmark legal victories, including, libel in fiction, in “Batra v. Dick Wolf.” He is Chairman & CEO, Greenstar Global Energy Corp., King Danylo of Galicia International Ltd., Mars & Pax Advisors, Ltd., Chairman of National Advisory Council on South Asian Affairs, and since September 2021, Advisor for Legal and Humanitarian Affairs to the Permanent Mission of Georgia to the United Nations. He is invited by various governments to address High Level Ministerial events, including, on Counter-Terrorism, including, Astana (Nur-Sultan), Dushanbe, Minsk and Delhi. He has testified in Congress as an invitee of the Chair, U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, and interacted with U.S. Department of State from 1984 -1990, and then again, from 2006, during the tenures of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Rex Tillerson, Mike Pompeo and Antony Blinken.
He has served as Commissioner of New York State Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE), Trustee on New York State IOLA Board, New York State Judicial Screening Committee for the Second Judicial Department, City Bar’s Judicial Committee, Vice-Chair of Kings County Democratic County Committee’s Independent Judicial Screening Committee for the then-2nd Judicial Department of Brooklyn and Staten Island, Chair of NYSTLA’ Judicial Independence Committee, with many more bar leadership roles, including, NYSBA’s House of Delegates for four years. He has served as Advisor for Legal & Human Rights Affairs to the Permanent Mission of Ukraine post-annexation of Crimea till 2021, and Legal Advisor to numerous nations’ permanent missions to the U. N. since 2009, including, India, Pakistan, Honduras and Malta. He has served: as Global Special Counsel to The Antonov Company in Ukraine, a state-owned company, and was registered with the Justice Dept pursuant to FARA; and as Special Global Advisor to Rector/President of both - National Aviation University of Ukraine and National Technical University of Ukraine/KPI. He remains involved in geopolitics and public policy since the mid-1980's, starting with being on House Speaker Tip O’Neill’s Speaker’s Club and appointed member of NACSAA during President Ronald Reagan’s tenure. In 1988, he was part of U.S. Attorney General Ed Meese’s Delegation to Japan to resolve bilateral trade imbalance. He regularly interacts with the multilateral diplomatic community, and during the High Level UNGA Debate, with heads of State/Government. He is sought for his views as a speaker and writer.