Opening Remarks by Csaba Kőrösi, President of the 77th session of the General Assembly, to the Climate and Clean Air Ministerial Coalition

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November 15, 2022

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This world needs concrete examples of boosting transformation.

This Coalition is a powerful catalyst for action on Short-Lived Climate Pollutants.

Your partnership is aiming to reduce air pollution and, by that, global warming, too.

Indeed, slashing emissions of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants has proven to be the single fastest way to tackle climate change in the short term, as it has been explained by Special Envoy Kerry a few minutes ago.

During its current session, the General Assembly of the United Nations is guided by the motto “solutions, through solidarity, sustainability and science”.

The SDG Summit next September is aimed at boosting transformation and speeding up implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, laying the foundations for the Summit of the Future in 2024.

I invite you all to support these processes, which are part of the Our Common Agenda, the Secretary-General’s plan for a more inclusive, networked and effective and clean multilateralism.

Part of our shared vision is the need to revalue nature and account for environment in economic models.

I can tell you there is an agreement among General Assembly membership that we need transformative changes.

In July, the General Assembly affirmed that a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment was a human right for all, not just for a privileged few.

It might be worthwhile to ask, what does it mean in concrete terms that we have this right?

The integrated benefits of reducing Short-Lived Climate Pollutants present an opportunity to prioritise climate action and financing.

You might want to consider four further concrete actions that can support transformation:

One, building a global greenhouse gas monitoring system. It can be used to steer climate action.

Two, ensuring that national adaptation plans and Nationally Determined Contributions are referenced to the SLCPs.

Three, developing contributions to the preparedness platform where SLCPs are majority health issues.

Fourth, supporting a proper science community to evaluate the impact of SLCPs reduction on key compartments of our environment and economies.

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

The wide range of us gathered here today shows the power of partnerships. From governments, international organizations, the private sector, and civil society, it is a joint strength we need to tackle these pressing issues.

I want to commend all of you for being a part of this Coalition, and for willing to take decisive steps that will benefit each and every of us.

I thank you.



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