12 July 2022
I would like to first express my delegation’s appreciation for the outstanding work done by the penholders, Ireland and Norway, as well as the constructive engagement of Kenya as the coordinator of the E10 in order to streamline this process.
Albania voted in favour of this resolution today. We did so with a deep sense of responsibility and a heavy heart.
Last Friday was one of those regretful and dark moments when the Security Council isn’t able to live up with its primary responsibility, when it produces the contrary of its “raison d’être”.
Our position, as outlined clearly and strongly so many times in this Chamber, including during the E10 explanation of the vote just a few minutes ago, was another one, a better one.
We wanted the 4 million Syrians to rely with confidence on this exceptional lifeline; to allow humanitarian actors to plan more adequately and mobilise resources. We wanted children, girls, mothers, entire families as well and those brave humanitarian workers to believe and see that the Security Council is on their side.
We failed, ironically, while being right. Because we were stopped by a power do not possess, by a privilege we don’t have, the veto! Yes, again the Veto.
We agreed today on this imperfect and difficult compromise not because our hand was forced, but because saving human lives is above diplomatic pride or geopolitical scores, because the needs of those millions of Syrians in desperate come and should come first. Those who need help must get help.
We agreed today because, we have been continuously calling for not letting the Syrian people down.
By voting for this text, we are doing our part, with an open heart, not with cynicism, with solidarity not with calculations.
We continue to believe that continuing effective implementation of the cross-border mechanism remains crucial and that, upon recommendations from the Secretary General, we will be able to extend it next January as well.
Until a new Syria emerges out of the ruins of a war that has entered its 12th month, cross-border assistance will continue to be vital to meet the immense humanitarian needs in North Eastern Syria.
We must inspire hope and trust to the Syrian people and help them find the way to their future, in a dignified way, through free choice, with their rights respected, through a democratic process, where effective justice and accountability are fundamental parts.
Thank you.