Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Dai Bing on the Security Council Resolution on Extending Cross-border Humanitarian Deliveries to Syria

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12 July 2022

Mr. President,

China welcomes the Security Council’s adoption of the resolution renewing the authorization for the humanitarian assistance to Syria. We thank Ireland and Norway, as well as Russia and other members for the active efforts over the past few days to promote the final outcome through intensive communication.

Facts have shown that it is normal for members of the Council to have differences on relevant issues. It is only natural the sometimes divergences may be sharp. But as long as we have full political will, persevere in patient consultations, and accommodate each other’s concerns, we can still find effective solutions to these problems. Ramming through vote while major differences still exist will only intensify contradictions and differences, and will do a disservice to maintaining the unity of the Council and ensuring its effective discharging of its responsibilities.

Mr. President,

China’s position on the humanitarian issue in Syria is consistent and clear. We always maintain that humanitarian assistance to Syria should respect Syria’s sovereignty and the ownership of the Syrian Government. Cross-line delivery should become the main channel for humanitarian assistance to Syria. Cross-border delivery is a temporary arrangement made under specific circumstances. It is necessary to speed up the transition to cross-line relief, and establish a clear timetable for THE eventual termination of cross-border relief.

Mr. President,

The resolution just adopted provides the necessary flexibility to allow the Council to assess and adjust its mandate in a timely manner. The resolution sets out clear demands for early recovery programs and greater transparency in relief efforts. The bimonthly informal interactive dialogues of the Security Council are also conducive to concrete follow-ups on the resolution. We expect all parties to strictly abide by the basic principles governing international humanitarian assistance, strictly comply with the requirements of the Security Council Resolutions, ensure the neutrality and transparency of assistance, and make it more targeted and effective.

In closing, I wish to reiterate that unilateral sanctions severely restrict the operations of the international humanitarian agencies in Syria, and run counter to the efforts of the Security Council and the international community to improve humanitarian access and increase humanitarian resources in Syria. China urges the relevant countries to immediately and comprehensively lift unilateral sanctions against Syria.

Thank you, Mr. President.





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