Washington, DC – Empowerment means choosing a new behavior that permits an individual to make her/his own decisions and discarding what is old and no longer relevant. All societies are based on traditions and norms. There comes a time when those norms are no longer relevant for the present day happenings in society. New behavior is needed to effectively serve the community and it also applies to nations that are still struggling with old methods. There is a need for cultural and societal paradigm change in the community as well as nations.
America is one of those nations that is engaged in advancing the status of women and girls by provisioning for adequate schooling facilities and job training opportunities for every child, boy or girl through familiar initiative and policy of the education department to leave “no child left behind.”
There are efforts being made to provide more opportunities for advancement in jobs of young people’s choosing and also ensuring availability of better facilities to help young women enter the work force and stay active. There are programs which are designed to give females preferences. Women are given preferences in jobs and opening businesses because they are categorized as minority and disadvantaged members of the work force. They require help with quality child care facilities and medical centers that take walk-in patients and stay open beyond the normal work hours. Such facilities lend help to women to stay in their chosen careers and pursue their individual career and business goals.
United States of America has been serving as the beacon of change and has supported helpful initiatives in the UN Security Council, the Human Rights bodies and the General Assembly and across the UN system to promote gender equality for years now. The White House has a staff dedicated to promoting awareness of women’s issues and developing growth opportunities for women and girls.
Women have been marginalized in most developing societies for decades. These societies are slow in adapting to changed environment and or experience lack of resources to effect the change once they recognize the need to change. Young girls do not have enough schools in remote areas and if there are, there are fewer or no separate toilets for their comfort, security and privacy.
There exists a practice of marrying girls at a young age in these societies so that parents can transfer the care taking responsibility of their daughters to another family which invariably leads to young girls bearing children at a tender age. Young girls lack knowledge in raising kids and the impoverished environment they live in leads to having sickly, underweight and unhealthy children. This is not a desirable condition for the well-being of the families and those economies where they are trying to raise gross national product and standard of living of a common man and women.
For the last few years, sexual assaults, infanticides and murdering daughters and wives have been a regular feature in all communication channels reporting. Societies have to come forward to raise issues and offer money and services to those who are in need. Some Samaritans have taken some steps and have spoken vehemently about such atrocities. Diaspora communities are well endowed and can help fund such facilities and adopt their villages and cities’ educational institutions which are impoverished and under staffed in delivering much needed Services. Some NRIs are doing such work but more can be done.
In India, recently, by the virtue of the position and power vested in him, serving the highest office of the country, the Prime Minister with enormous mandate, Narendra Modi has said in his public address to the nation that the issue of rape and women’s plight requires attention and correction. He did this through his most watched public speech to the nation which was delivered at the Red Fort, India, on the eve of the Independence Day celebrations in the country.
Many countries are trying to devote attention to the subject of domestic violence, rape, infanticide and child marriages. Let us stay hopeful and proactive in our own behavior towards these prevailing practices in all societies, developed or developing, because the problem is universal and needs every man and woman’s attention. It is the call of the day.