Address to the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly by the President of the Republic of Türkiye, H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

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Editorial: President Erdogan Proves at UNGA He is a Force for Good & Peace

President Erdogan proved in his remarks Turkey’s global leadership in feeding the hungry with the Black Sea Grain Deal with SG Antonio Guterres, and Mediation for Peace (with territorial integrity of Ukraine intact) with President Putin and President Zelensky.
Turkey, a NATO member, is our important ally, whose views ought be heard to enhance global peace.

Ravi Batra, Co-Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

President Erdogan’s feed-the-hungry and make-peace Remarks:
20 September 2022


Esteemed President,

Distinguished Heads of State and Government,

Honourable Secretary General,

Dear delegates,

On behalf of myself, and my nation, I greet you with my most heartfelt feelings and respect.

I wish the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly to be beneficial to our countries and to all humanity.

I would like to congratulate Mr. Csaba KÖRÖSİ, who assumed the duty of President of the General Assembly.

I find the theme, “A watershed moment: transformative solutions to interlocking challenges”, set for our General Assembly meeting, very fitting, as we are holding our meeting at a critical time when our world is trying to deal with multiple threats simultaneously.

The primary lesson we learned in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic was the importance of international solidarity in solving global problems.

We provided support to 161 countries and 12 international organizations, without any distinction, during the pandemic.

We put our domestic and national vaccine, TURKOVAC, into the service of all humanity.

As an indication of the importance we attach to the fight against climate change, we ratified the Paris Agreement last year.

In our national statement, we declared our net zero emissions target for 2053 and our Green Development Revolution.

By hosting the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, we will continue to play a pioneering role also in this field.

We observe that the global economy, which has been hit hard by disruptions in the supply chains caused by the pandemic, is facing yet another new shock wave due to the Russia-Ukraine war.

The inflationist pressure, triggered by the rising energy, food and raw material prices, negatively affects all economies and social welfare on a global scale.

Developments have brought to the fore, once again, in a striking way, the importance of energy supply security.

As Türkiye, we have considered from the outset the issue of energy as an area of cooperation, not competition.

In addition to our own needs, we have implemented many projects that support regional and global energy security.

The accuracy and the importance of these steps have been understood once again, with the latest developments.

The ongoing process has also jeopardized food security.

In the 21st century, when material and technological means have reached the highest level, it is impossible to explain why one fifth of the world’s population is still suffering from hunger and poverty.

With the latest developments, the world is also deviating from the sustainable development goals towards “zero hunger” in 2030.

The only way to shed a light of hope on this grim picture humanity is facing, is to strengthen international cooperation and solidarity through a fair and just approach.

We have entered an era where we need to take action through a common agenda against the challenges affecting our common destiny.

As Türkiye, we are displaying our will also in tackling the shocks caused by the Russia-Ukraine war, alongside the pandemic and climate change processes.

Since the first day of the conflict in Ukraine, which has now completed its seventh month, we have acted with the understanding that “war has no winners, a just peace has no losers”.

Today, we still keep emphasizing the key role of dialogue and diplomacy in resolving the current crisis.

Through the facilitating role we have assumed with this understanding, we brought the Parties together, first at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum, and then in Istanbul.

As a result of the intensive efforts we carried out together with the Secretary General, we made sure that the Ukrainian grain was able to reach the world through the Black Sea.

Now that almost two months have gone by after the Istanbul Memorandum of Understanding which enabled this achievement, we are pleased to note that these shipments gain momentum day by day.

This memorandum, which bears critical importance in ensuring the sustainability of grain supply, is one of the greatest achievements of the United Nations in recent years.

Trust in the United Nations by those around the world who seek help from the international community has been reinvigorated, thanks to this achievement.

The Istanbul Memorandum of Understanding has also proved that negotiations do yield results on issues which are of vital importance to the parties.

A similar approach can also be displayed regarding the crisis at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station, which concerns the safety of the entire humanity.

We will continue to increase our efforts to end the war, which has been reignited in recent days, based on the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine.

I hereby call upon international organizations and all countries to provide genuine support to Türkiye’s efforts towards establishing a lasting peace.

We need to find together a reasonable, just and viable diplomatic solution that will provide both sides the opportunity of an “honourable exit”.

On the other hand, all these disasters which have caused grievance to millions of people, have once again reminded all of us our responsibility to display further efforts towards the embodiment of an effective multilateralism by the United Nations.

It is imperative that we restructure the United Nations as an organization worthy of its inclusive character, capable of producing solutions for a fairer world order, and in which a common will is displayed on behalf of the entire humanity.

In particular, enabling the Security Council with a more effective, democratic, transparent and accountable structure and functioning will be an important milestone in the pursuit of peace, justice and welfare of the entire humanity.

To keep reminding our common duty towards that end, we will continue to underline that “THE WORLD IS BIGGER THAN FIVE” and “A FAIRER WORLD IS POSSIBLE”, on every platform, and in the strongest terms possible.

I would like to state once again that we expect support from all member states in this struggle we conduct with faith and determination.


Distinguished delegates,

The vision of Türkiye in foreign policy has always been focused on peace.

We are working hard to make sure that peace prevails, first in our region, but also all over the world.

We strive to resolve conflicts with our “Mediation for Peace” initiative, which we pursue within the United Nations.

We take on a constructive role, sometimes as a mediator and sometimes as a facilitator, in resolving conflicts breaking out in different regions, from Europe to Latin America, and to Africa.

As a country situated at the very heart of a region surrounded by conflicts and disputes, we undertake initiatives that enable us to be a part of the solution, rather than the problem.

In this context, we reiterate the importance of finding a permanent solution to the Syrian crisis, based on Security Council Resolution 2254, in line with the legitimate expectations of the Syrian people.

The ongoing deadlock increasingly threatens both the security and stability of our region and the territorial integrity of Syria.

More than four million civilians in the northwest of Syria are clinging on to life thanks to the security umbrella provided by our country and through international aid.

The Security Council must fulfil its responsibility to extend the mandate, which forms the basis of the UN cross-border humanitarian aid mechanism to the northwest of Syria.

No one can expect Türkiye to remain indifferent to the PKK and its affiliates, which perpetrate terrorist attacks against our country, our security forces and civilians, and pose a threat to Syria’s territorial integrity with their separatist agenda.

We call on those trying to legitimize this terrorist organization with cheap tricks, such as changing its name, to stop arming and supporting terrorists without delay, and to reverse their wrong course.

We strongly reiterate that it is within our power to take all kinds of measures against terrorism and that we will never hesitate to do what is necessary against terrorist organizations.

We sincerely fulfil our part to create the necessary conditions for our Syrian brothers and sisters to return to their country voluntarily, safely and with dignity.

We are building 100.000 brick shelters in various regions of Syria, so that the civilians which have fled the war can live in adequate humanitarian conditions.

We have completed and handed over an important part of these shelters.

Besides, we have started preparations to construct 200.000 houses that will enable approximately one million Syrians to return to their lands.

The support of the international community is needed to realize this project, which will include construction in 13 separate safe centres and in their rural areas.

We expect all parties to make the necessary efforts and to show solidarity with the settlement project that we will implement in Syria.

The refugee crisis cannot be solved by sinking the boats of innocents who set out to seek a better future, thus leaving them to die, and by building walls on borders, and filling concentration camps with people.

The solution to this crisis lies only in efforts centered on human life.

And yet, we see that Greece is increasing the extent of cruelty against immigrants in the Aegean Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean.

While we struggle to prevent other babies, like Aylan, from washing up on the shores, Greece is turning the Aegean Sea into a graveyard for refugees with its unlawful and reckless pushbacks.

Last week, baby Asım, 9 months old, and Abdulvahap, 4 years old, died with their families because the Greek coast guards sank their boats.

It is high time for Europe and the institutions of the United Nations to say “stop” to these acts without mercy that constitute crimes against humanity.

We are making every effort to ensure that peace and stability prevail in another neighbouring country of ours, Iraq.

We want the political unity and reconciliation to be achieved in that country, on the basis of the Iraqi identity.

This is the only way to promote welfare in a sustainable manner in Iraq and to prevent abuses by terrorist organizations.

Meanwhile, of course we will never allow terrorist organizations, which

exploit the unstable environment in Iraq, to carry out actions targeting our country.

As I have repeatedly emphasized on this podium, we can win the fight against the scourge of terrorism through sincere and effective international cooperation that rejects any distinction between terrorist organizations.

Türkiye, which has been fighting for many years all terrorist organizations, regardless of the name under which they operate, has the natural right to expect a sincere cooperation and solidarity from its allies and friends on this issue.

We are ready to work with everyone willing to contribute to the security, stability, peace and prosperity of the region by cooperating with our country, rather than with terrorist organizations and cruel regimes.


Distinguished delegates,

North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean are other regions that we need to carefully focus on, as far as security in the world is concerned.

Within this framework, Libya’s stability and prosperity are of crucial importance for the whole region, and primarily for its neighbours.

Türkiye supports the efforts of the United Nations in this direction.

Our goal is to enable Libya to reach the prosperity level it deserves, by protecting the sovereignty, unity, and integrity of the Libyan people.

The main goal to which all of us should contribute to, must be fair and credible elections in Libya, through which a strong government, taking its legitimacy from the people, will come to power.

With regard to the Israel-Palestine conflict, which we deem necessary to end for the establishment of a lasting peace and stability in the Middle East, we strongly support the vision of a two-state solution.

It is essential to respect the historical and cultural identity of Jerusalem and the sanctity of al-Haram al-Sharif, to stop the illegal settlement activities on the territories under occupation and to ensure the safety of the Palestinians’ lives and property.

For a just, lasting, and comprehensive resolution to the dispute in the region, there is no other possibility, except for the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian State, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

As Türkiye, we are determined to continue to develop our relations with Israel for the sake of the future, peace and stability of not only the region, but also of Israel, the Palestinian people, and that of ours.

During this process, it is the international community’s responsibility to improve the institutional and financial capacity of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, and to protect the oppressed Palestinians.

Türkiye is a country which has always emphasized the importance the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran bears for global and regional stability.

We expect that the negotiations for the resolution, through diplomacy and dialogue, of the issues regarding Iran’s nuclear program, will be concluded and implemented as soon as possible.

The liberation by Azerbaijan of its occupied territories has offered a historic window of opportunity for a permanent peace and stability in the South Caucasus.

Türkiye has taken very important steps to make good use of this opportunity, by supporting the processes between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Although the clashes in recent days have cast a shadow on this positive environment, we believe that it is still possible to sign a comprehensive peace agreement between the two countries in the shortest time possible.

We will always continue to stand by our Azerbaijani brothers in their struggle to preserve their rights and build their future.

The opening, without delay, of the transportation routes in the region, which is an issue that also concerns our country closely, will contribute to the welfare of all.

Afghanistan, which is struggling with problems such as occupation, armed conflicts, terrorism, and misery for almost half a century, is again going through a challenge.

The steps to be taken by the Interim Government in the country to protect fundamental human rights, may pave the way for promising developments.

Türkiye will continue supporting its Afghan brothers and sisters in these difficult times.

We regret that a strong peace, and cooperation between India and Pakistan has still not yet been established, despite 75 years following their independence.

We hope that a just and lasting peace, and tranquillity will be reached in Kashmir.

We once again convey our recovery wishes to the Pakistani people, who are going through extremely difficult times, due to the recent flood disaster.

We continue our humanitarian aid work, which we have initiated following the disaster, without interruption.

We also expect the international community to support the Pakistani people during this painful period that they are going through.

We continue to support the safe, voluntary, dignified, and permanent return of the Rohingya Muslims to their homeland.

We are sensitive to the protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Muslim Uyghur Turks, in a way without any detriment at all to One China policy and China’s territorial integrity and sovereign rights.

We continue our intensive efforts, both on bilateral and multilateral platforms, to strengthen peace and stability in the Balkans and to solve disagreements by way of dialogue.

With this understanding, we visited the region at the beginning of September, covering Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Croatia.

The holding of problem-free elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and progress in the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Process will contribute to the stability of the region.

As Türkiye, we want all the issues in the Aegean Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean to be solved within the framework of good neighbourly relations and in conformity with international law.

Those who pursue a show of force in the region, despite their political and military levels that are in no way on a par with our country, make themselves look nonsensical.

The continuation of peace and stability in the Eastern Mediterranean depends on respecting the rights of all the parties.

We expect Greece to put aside the politics of tension and provocation, and to heed our calls for cooperation and solidarity.

We believe that the Eastern Mediterranean Conference we have previously proposed will serve this purpose.

The fact that our counterparts have not even made the slightest effort on this issue so far shows who is in favour of peace and dialogue and who is in favour of tension.

While Türkiye will defend its rights in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean until the end, it will never fall into the trap of those who follow a strategy of tension for the sake of their own political purposes.

Together with the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, we have always shown goodwill and have displayed constructive efforts to reach a just, lasting and sustainable settlement to the Cyprus issue.

In fact, anyone who is willing to see the truth is aware that there are two distinct states and two distinct peoples on the Island today.

The reaffirmation of the rights of equal sovereignty and equal international status of the Turkish Cypriot people is the key to a settlement on the Island.

We hereby call on the international community to put an end to the oppression towards the Turkish Cypriots and to the efforts to isolate them from the world through embargoes, contrary to the principles of the United Nations, and to officially recognize the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as soon as possible.

In addition to its inhumane pushbacks of irregular migrants in the Aegean Sea, Greece, a member of the European Union, has been pursuing discriminatory and oppressive policies against the Turkish Muslim Minority, in violation of its legal obligations.

We hope that Greece will bring an end to all these wrongful practices and that the international organizations, starting with the European Union, will stop turning a blind eye to these inhumane and unlawful actions.


Distinguished delegates,

The value of Türkiye’s cooperation with the European Union becomes evident again, any time a new challenge arises on the global and regional stage.

As a strong Ally marking this year our 70th membership anniversary in NATO, we have been contributing to the security of the Euro-Atlantic region, both through our diplomatic actions and military capabilities.

While we continue to contribute to the security, stability and prosperity of the European continent with our European identity, as the westernmost Asian, we also pursue the same objective in the Asian continent, through the “Asia Anew” initiative.

We are also taking one step after another to strengthen our solidarity with the African countries, which recently are facing in an increasing manner the severe repercussions of the global problems.

In this context, we held the Third Türkiye-Africa Partnership Summit, which was widely attended by our African friends, between 16 and 18 December 2021.

Türkiye demonstrates on all occasions, as an equal partner, its will to contribute to the African continent’s path towards peace, development and prosperity.

We are also determined to continue enhancing our cooperation with Latin America, which has already been strengthened based on mutual respect, both on a bilateral level, and at the institutional level in regional organisations.

We believe that one of the biggest threats awaiting humanity in this era, as the international system is shaken by various crises, is the loss of the will to “live together”.

We are deeply concerned by the rise of racism, discrimination, xenophobia, and hatred against Islam in recent years.

From this podium, we had called for the 15th of March, the date at which the terrorist attack against Muslims in New Zealand took place, to be declared as the “International Day to Combat Islamophobia”.

Our call was put into action through the resolutions adopted initially at the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, and then at the United Nations General Assembly.

We wholeheartedly hope that this approach, which we regard as a sign of the international community’s determination in combating hatred against Islam, will be put into practice.

As I have emphasized many times before, we consider hatred against Islam as a crime against humanity, just like antisemitism.

With these views, I wish that the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly be productive so that it achieves the success which will fulfil the hopes and expectations of humanity.

I once again would like to salute you all with appreciation and respect on behalf of my nation.

May you all remain in good health…

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